Style Guide
Welcome to your complimentary style guide! Your designer will use this to make sure your site is consistent from page to page. Likewise, you can use this guide to make sure your sales and marketing material remains consistent and on brand throughout all collateral.
Here are all of your logos in various formats and orientations.
These are the brand colors used throughout the site.
Typography (H1)
Typographic styles are set here to make sure your blog and other designs are legible and beautiful.
Paragraph Barlow Normal 400 Weight
Bacon ipsum dolor amet brisket short ribs This is a link filet mignon biltong drumstick buffalo chuck tenderloin cupim andouille spare ribs turkey pig tri-tip. Leberkas strip steak pork loin ground round, pig rump ball tip venison shankle pork belly t-bone pastrami kevin fatback chislic. Landjaeger pig boudin sirloin t-bone swine. Tenderloin pig ball tip, corned beef salami ribeye pork filet mignon tri-tip.
Flank corned beef meatloaf beef ribeye leberkas doner burgdoggen landjaeger salami drumstick cow ham pork loin. Pork frankfurter ball tip sausage, short ribs picanha meatloaf jerky bacon swine kevin shank. Pork belly tail salami beef ribs cow. Cupim strip steak spare ribs pork belly, flank andouille ground round fatback cow beef ribs swine. Salami frankfurter tongue, jerky doner biltong kevin turkey capicola landjaeger tri-tip corned beef shank leberkas pig. Kielbasa ham hock burgdoggen, boudin bresaola chuck shankle. Boudin pork loin corned beef, short ribs ribeye jerky ball tip fatback biltong.
H2 – This is heading two. The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. (Barlow Semi Condensed – 500)
Bacon ipsum dolor amet brisket short ribs This is a link filet mignon biltong drumstick buffalo chuck tenderloin cupim andouille spare ribs turkey pig tri-tip. Leberkas strip steak pork loin ground round, pig rump ball tip venison shankle pork belly t-bone pastrami kevin fatback chislic. Landjaeger pig boudin sirloin t-bone swine. Tenderloin pig ball tip, corned beef salami ribeye pork filet mignon tri-tip.
H3 – This is heading three. The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. (Barlow Semi Condensed – 500)
Flank corned beef meatloaf beef ribeye leberkas doner burgdoggen landjaeger salami drumstick cow ham pork loin. Pork frankfurter ball tip sausage, short ribs picanha meatloaf jerky bacon swine kevin shank. Pork belly tail salami beef ribs cow. Cupim strip steak spare ribs pork belly, flank andouille ground round fatback cow beef ribs swine. Salami frankfurter tongue, jerky doner biltong kevin turkey capicola landjaeger tri-tip corned beef shank leberkas pig. Kielbasa ham hock burgdoggen, boudin bresaola chuck shankle. Boudin pork loin corned beef, short ribs ribeye jerky ball tip fatback biltong.
H4 – This is heading four. The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. (Barlow Semi Condensed – 500)
Flank corned beef meatloaf beef ribeye leberkas doner burgdoggen landjaeger salami drumstick cow ham pork loin. Pork frankfurter ball tip sausage, short ribs picanha meatloaf jerky bacon swine kevin shank. Pork belly tail salami beef ribs cow. Cupim strip steak spare ribs pork belly, flank andouille ground round fatback cow beef ribs swine. Salami frankfurter tongue, jerky doner biltong kevin turkey capicola landjaeger tri-tip corned beef shank leberkas pig. Kielbasa ham hock burgdoggen, boudin bresaola chuck shankle. Boudin pork loin corned beef, short ribs ribeye jerky ball tip fatback biltong.
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
H5 – This is heading two. The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. (“Barlow Semi Condensed” – 500)
Flank corned beef meatloaf beef ribeye leberkas doner burgdoggen landjaeger salami drumstick cow ham pork loin. Pork frankfurter ball tip sausage, short ribs picanha meatloaf jerky bacon swine kevin shank. Pork belly tail salami beef ribs cow. Cupim strip steak spare ribs pork belly, flank andouille ground round fatback cow beef ribs swine. Salami frankfurter tongue, jerky doner biltong kevin turkey capicola landjaeger tri-tip corned beef shank leberkas pig. Kielbasa ham hock burgdoggen, boudin bresaola chuck shankle. Boudin pork loin corned beef, short ribs ribeye jerky ball tip fatback biltong.
H6 – This is heading six. The quick fox jumps over the lazy dog. (Barlow Normal – 400)
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
- List item goes here
These are the default button styles for the brand. Demos of fancy button styles can be found here.
Illustration / Photos
Not every brand uses photos. Not every brand uses illustrations. Below are enough samples to give an accurate representation of your style.
Forms are used throughout the site. Below are the default short and long form styles.