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Contract Vehicles

As a government agency, you can access Illuminate's services and solutions through a wide range of easy-to-use government contract vehicles, both in the US and the UK.

Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)

ABMS is the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF) program to create a next-generation command and control (C2) system, harnessing cloud technology and artificial intelligence to share data seamlessly and enable faster decisions. In this five-year IDIQ, Illuminate is providing support as the USAF matures, demonstrates, and deploys capabilities across platforms and domains.

Data Readiness Artificial Intelligence Development (DRAID)

DRAID is a five-year Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) from the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center that enables the Department of Defense to apply artificial intelligence to its data resources. Illuminate provides project and program management, data science, software development, enterprise information management, cloud integration and application development, testing, certification, and operation.

Eglin Wide Agile Acquisition Contract (EWAAC)

The EWAAC is the Agile Weapons Division of the U.S. Armament Directorate’s ten-year IDIQ to provide rapid development of weapons and weapon systems to meet future requirements. Illuminate provides the USAF and others with an improved ability to rapidly develop and apply novel technologies and ideas and characterize system concepts for the DoD through weapons systems requirements development, studies, and demonstrations.

General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule

GSA is a centralized procurement vehicle for products, services, and facilities. Illuminate currently delivers expertise under SIN: 541611, Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services; SIN:54151S, IT Professional Services; and through Order-Level Materials. Under GS-10F-0059Y, Illuminate provides management and strategy consulting, program planning, technical evaluations, scenario planning, database planning and design, programming, systems integration and all IT-related functions.

Joint Warfare Analysis Center (JWAC) Capabilities Contract (CAPCON)

The JWAC analyzes and recommends solutions to some of the most complex problems faced by our military and civilian leaders. CAPCON is an eight-year contract in which Illuminate provides subject matter expertise across multiple Technical Requirement Areas, including providing JWAC with equipment, data, technical, analytical, and consultative/subject matter expertise to research, develop, test, evaluate, and validate new or existing analytical capabilities, tools, and models.

Solutions for Intelligence Analysis Services (SIAS)

In support of its mission, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) collects, analyzes, and shares vital information and intelligence to counter threats and prevent attacks. The SIAS contract provides intelligence services across various components of the FBI improving processes and agile methodologies.

Solutions for the Information Technology Enterprise III (SITE III)

SITE III enables the delivery of strategic, technical, and program management guidance and support services for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Through SITE III, Illuminate provides the DIA with services that improve integration, information sharing, and safeguarding, including the provision of a common architecture, consolidated operations, and cloud environments in alignment with the Intelligence Community’s Information Technology Enterprise.

Accelerated Capability Environment

The Accelerated Capability Environment (ACE) solves public safety and security challenges arising from rapidly changing digital and data technologies. A UK Home Office capability within the Homeland Security Group, ACE is a partnership between the public and private sectors. It has access to a community of more than 260 organisations and experts drawn from the private sector and academia, from which it selects and combines the capabilities best suited to any given problem.

Research Cloud

Research Cloud (R-Cloud) is the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s (Dstl) marketplace for science and technology (S&T) research, providing ready access to the latest research opportunities across the Ministry of Defence (MOD). R-Cloud offers research contracting opportunities across MOD’s priority S&T capabilities and welcomes membership from UK and international research suppliers.

Serapis Framework

The Serapis framework enables Dstl, MOD and the frontline commands to quickly and efficiently place contracts for scientific and technical research and development. It focuses on developing and bringing into operation new and battle-winning capabilities in C4ISR, space systems, synthetic environments and simulation technology to support human capability development.

Aurora Engineering Partnership

The Engineering Delivery Partner (EDP) is a collaboration between the Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) Engineering Function and the Aurora Engineering Partnership. The partnership helps the MOD to reduce costs of their engineering services, while ensuring the UK’s Armed Forces receive the best equipment and support.

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