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Is the US missing out on ‘Transformational’ Potential of 5G?

Panelists at the ExecutiveBiz 5G forum shared their insights into why we’re behind and what we can do to regain our technological lead on the global stage.

5G technology has been around since 2019, but the United States government has not quite yet deployed it at scale or mastered its implementation. Experts argue that the main roadblock lies not in the technology itself, but in the culture of the federal landscape.

Our biggest 5G challenge is that we didn’t harness it early enough nor did we implement it at a meaningful scale. “We should have been really, really plugged into 5G when we saw it coming,” said Iyer, noting that he used the past tense in his remark. “Some of our competitors and adversaries — countries like China and Russia — have moved beyond 5G and are already doing 6G,” Iyer shared.

Click here to read the ExecutiveBiz article in full.

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